Sunday, February 21, 2010

Enhancing Social Presence Using Video

ITC eLearning, 2/21/10
Sandy King, Associate Professor of Communications,
Anne Arundel Community College

Distance education students can feel isolated taking courses from an institution they have never visited. Computer-mediated classes can seem impersonal. Incorporating videos so students can see and hear their instructors and fellow students allows them to feel more connected to their course and campus. For example, a short video about an on-campus cultural event allows the distance education student, who was unable to attend, to participate in the experience. Students can explore ways to increase social presence by using video creatively in online classes. Examples include employing an avatar, using introductory videos, incorporating intercultural spotlights, and adding short clips from YouTube. Sandy King will include a list of resources for producing video and information for meeting ADA requirements.

Why Video?
- Building communities
- Social Presence
- Personal Characteristics
- Personalizing
- Presenting themselves as real people, the human factor

Comparing text, to audio to video. Video is useful for creating a social presence. Video demonstrates more social presence compared to the other two mediums.

Communication mediated through computers can often feel impersonal. Perceptions of social presence have positive influence. Do students make connections, do they feel like they belong?

Non-verbal cues are critical to communication and understanding.

We often reflect deeply when we discuss and share information we learn.

Cyber and fantasy identities (ex: Second Life)

Use of video to demonstrate various cultural greetings (cultural communications).

Examples of video were shown to take students on virtual field trips.

Use of humorous video to ease students feelings about subjects such as public speaking. This helps break the ice and engage students before presenting further learning content.

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