Monday, February 22, 2010

Creating Web-Based CoursePacks that Move with You

ITC eLearning, 2/22/10
Rhonda Ficek, Director, Instructional Technology Services,
Minnesota State University Moorhead

Rhonda Ficek will describe software that allows users to create their own Web-based instructional materials, packaged professionally as a course pack, that can be uploaded to any course management system or Web site. Emerging applications make it easy to create standards-compliant units of instruction that are interactive and media-rich – content instructors can package with embedded audio and video, interactive learning activities, headers and navigation areas. Instructors no longer need to depend on textbook publishers or Web specialists – these applications are easy and userfriendly. Ficek will compare the software applications — Adobe Acrobat, SoftChalk, Wimba Create, uDuTu, and exeLearning.

eXeLearning (free)
- XHTML Editor
- Export as a SCORM and import into any LMS
- Self-contained web pages
- iDevices – templates of screens available for creating content (ex: Image Gallery)
- Use the outline tool to create content and organize within an outline hierarchy
- Ability to embed audio using an HTML design view and toolbar, adds a player interface for media
- Once you complete your lesson design, choose export
- Using SCORM Quiz iDevice, this integrates with LMS gradebook

Using iDevices with eXeLearning
1. Add Pages
2. Drag iDevices onto pages
3. Export lesson as .zip and upload to CMS/LMS

Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro: PDF Portfolios ($20 for Pro version)
- Integrates multiple files into single PDF
- Many Layout Grids with File Preview (to see what’s in your portfolio)
- Create your own nav bar a
- Works with version 8 reader
- List with file preview
- This is truly an incredible feature creating learning modules that can exist outside of your LMS

Softchalk ($)
- offers a new media serch feature that pulls in content from open source web resources
- Merlot, YouTube, Creative Commons
- Publish as a SCORM, zip, self contained website

Udutu (free)
- Web based ($1 per page per month if you use their server
- Self contained webpages (.zip)
- Publish and export content
- Authoring library

Create content that is mobile between various delivery options
(Web, CMS, CD, Mobile Devices)

Open Source authoring application to assist teachers and academics in the publishing of web content

Learning resources by Rhonda Ficek
Uses Bloom’s Taxonomy and provides all the verbs for creating your learning objectives
Authoring Tool For Easy Content Creation

Online learning simulations made easy

Widgets – windowed objects

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