Saturday, February 20, 2010

Fort Worth It!

We made it to Dallas/Forth Worth on a relatively smooth flight. Upon landing we found our way to the ground transportation where we met up with Stephen Moller from Clackamas CC. We survived a rather long and sketchy shuttle ride to the hotel where we immediately encountered hundreds of high school students swarming the hotel for a leadership conference.

In the lobby we bumped into Mark Rediske who just came from the Keynote presentation. Mark had great things to say about this and hopefully MediaSite will provide video of this event for later viewing.

We checked into our rooms and headed down to the 3rd floor where we meet with Loraine in the Exhibition Hall where the conference vendors were showing there latest and greatest. Loraine introduced us to a very interesting native Texan, Jim Pickuete (hopefully I spelled his name correctly). Jim agreed to take us out and show us the town.

Little did I know what was in store for us. Jim took us to the best, most authentic Mexican restaurant I have ever been to in my entire life. Joe T. Garcia's is the seconds oldest continuous running Mexican restaurant in the state of Texas. This place was so good that words cannot describe. Paula Ascher from Columbia Gorge CC also joined us for dinner.

After dinner Jim drove us around Forth Worth and showed us some of the sights. I had no idea there was so much nightlife going on in and around the Stock Yards of Forth Worth.

I'm looking forward to the conference tomorrow and expect to have some more interesting things to write about.

1 comment:

  1. Great report! Interestingly Lee was just talking last week about Google's Voice Recognition (positively speaking).

    I enjoy hearing valuable suggestions for Second Life in relation to education since funds are being spent in this venue (virtual field trips).

    Thanks Sage!

